OpenCl is an Open Computing Language which is a performance framework tasked with executing various architectural platforms consisting of GPUs and CPUs. OpenCL is tasked with determining a programming language based on C99 for programming needs for interfaces and application devices or APIs.

OpenCL has a function to control the performance of various hardware devices on a computer, for example the CPU and GPU. Apart from that, one example of implementing OpenCl is the GPU driver.

OpenCL can provide a standard display used for parallel computing. Parallel means that the data can be processed at the same time by both the GPU and CPU. This is useful for increasing speed.

OpenCL can play a role in taking and combining the advantages of each core. For example, GPUs are known to have advantages in the FPU or Floating Point Unit section. With OpenCL, the CPU no longer needs to calculate the numbers owned by the FPU. This is because the task of calculating numbers on the FPU has shifted to the GPU.

The software development kit includes libraries, various debugging, profiling and compilation tools. As well as bindings that allow the CPU programming language to call GPU code. Meanwhile, the CUDA core will write code that can run according to the parallel SIMD architecture simultaneously. This code covers several types of GPUs as well as non-GPU hardware such as nVidia Teslas.