Berdasarkan Steam Hardware & Software Survey ( dapat ditarik kesimpulan spesifikasi penggunaan komputer Gaming yaitu:
A. Low End Komputer
- Operating System: Windows 10 64Bit
- Core CPU: 4Core
- Clock Speed CPU: 2.7 Ghz to 2.99 Ghz
- RAM: 8GB
- GPU Vram: 6GB
- Display Resolution: 1366 x 768
- Storage: 250 GB to 499 GB
B. Mid End Komputer
- Operating System: Windows 10 64Bit
- Core CPU: 6Core
- Clock Speed CPU: 3.3 Ghz to 3.69 Ghz
- RAM: 16GB
- GPU Vram: 8GB
- Display Resolution: 1920 x 1080(FHD)
- Storage: 1 TB to 2 TB
C. High End Komputer
- Operating System: Windows 10 64Bit
- Core CPU: 8Core
- Clock Speed CPU: 3.7 Ghz and above
- RAM: 32GB
- GPU Vram: 12GB
- Display Resolution: 2560 x 1440(2K)
- Storage: Above 4 TB
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